Hudson Law Group Where Lawyers Care

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immigrants got green cards


What Our Clients Say About Our Services

After we had a new child, my wife and I decided to sell our house in New Jersey and buy a house with an extra bedroom and an extra bathroom. We were upgrading and needed extra space. David was our attorney. Read more

I used to live in Paris and Nice. I came to New York City to study graphic design. I met my husband while being on a student visa. My husband is a musician and a computer programmer. His mother is French, but he is American. We got married and we applied for a green card. Read more

I met David at an event in New York City and I chose him as my lawyer. He set up all the company documents. I sat with him and we talked about how I want to manage the company, how I planned to get investment and eventually sell the company. Read more

I hired David to help me out. He was able to help us all reach an amicable agreement. He came up with a solution for me personally and the school. He was amazing, calm, and smart. We had to look for another school and move to New Jersey! So of course David was our lawyer for the real estate deal. Read more

It was great work with David. He always answered my calls and letters. The most stressful step was the green card interview, even though David was seriously prepared for it. The officers played with us in a "The Good and the Bad Cop." Read more
